Government Wants to Track Your Steak with RFID Tags


In a controversial move, the federal government, through the USDA, is proposing a new rule that would mandate RFID (radio-frequency identification) tagging of all cattle and bison crossing state lines. The aim of this rule is to enhance the tracking of livestock movements, ostensibly to improve food safety and manage disease outbreaks. However, the proposal has sparked significant concern among ranchers and privacy advocates who view it as another instance of government overreach.

The RFID tags, unlike traditional ear tags or tattoos, can be scanned from a distance, allowing for real-time tracking of livestock movements. Proponents argue that this technology will streamline the tracking process, making it easier to trace the origins of foodborne illnesses and respond more swiftly to outbreaks. This system is seen as crucial for ensuring the safety of the national food supply chain, especially in the face of increasing concerns about diseases like bovine tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth disease.

However, critics are not convinced. They argue that the costs associated with implementing RFID tagging are prohibitively high for small and medium-sized ranchers, potentially driving many out of business.

Additionally, there are privacy concerns about the government having the capability to track the movement of livestock in real-time, which some see as a slippery slope towards increased surveillance and control over the agricultural sector.

One of the most vocal opponents of the RFID mandate is the R-CALF USA, a cattlemen’s association that represents independent cattle producers. They argue that the USDA's proposal favors large agribusinesses that can more easily absorb the costs associated with the new technology. Bill Bullard, the CEO of R-CALF USA, stated, "This is nothing more than a means for the government to further control and monitor our industry under the guise of food safety."

There is also a broader context of growing government surveillance that adds fuel to the opposition's fire. The RFID proposal is seen by many as part of a larger trend of increased government intervention and monitoring, which includes everything from digital currencies to health regulations. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has previously criticized such measures, likening them to "a wolf in sheep's clothing"​​. This sentiment is echoed by many in the agricultural community who fear that this could set a precedent for further invasive policies.

The USDA counters that the RFID tags will bring the U.S. in line with international standards, which could open up new markets for American beef and bison products. They also assert that the technology will lead to a more efficient and resilient food system, capable of quickly addressing any potential threats.

While the debate rages on, it is clear that the proposed RFID tagging rule is emblematic of a larger conflict between government regulatory efforts and the rights of individual farmers and ranchers. The outcome of this proposal will likely have significant implications not only for the livestock industry but also for the broader discussions about privacy, surveillance, and government overreach.


  1. Pure Bullshit Communism. Biden WILL Loose the Election. We WILL RECOVER FROM THIS SHIT. We WILL KEEP OUR FREEDOM. Biden and His Communist Entourage WILL FALL.

  2. As a veterinarian I can tell you that better tracking of the movement of livestock across state lines is an excellent idea. It is not going to tag your steak, only the cow to the point of slaughter. The movement of bovine TB, brucellosis, foot and mouth disease has been a significant problem in the USA for many years under the present methods of tagging cattle. The ear tags are lost, difficult to read and identify at a distance, subject to inaccuracy because they are placed by the rancher in the cows ear. States along the Mexico US border are prime locations for sneaking unvaccinated and untested cows into the US. Some livestock infections are transmissible to wildlife eg Brucellosis and TB This agent was transmitter to Elk and Bison years ago by infected cattle grazing on BLM land where Elk and Bison also fed. Wyoming and Montana are areas where this occurred.

  3. Once they tag the livestock it is opening the path to tagging all of us. This is just another communist move to total control. This is just part of the way China deals with it’s people. You remember China, the government that Justin Trudeau thinks is so damn good he is trying to implement it in Canada, The digital dollar they are threatening will be the final nail in the coffin of freedom. We must NEVER accept it because then everything you do will be controlled by the communist government we are living through right now. The 2024 elections will be the turning point if America survives. If not then a revolution must take place since living under people like Bidumb and his ilk is unthinkable.


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