Debate Ignites Over Military’s Authority for Lethal Force on Citizens

Marines walking away from helicopter on airstrip.

The quiet reauthorization of Department of Defense Directive 5240.01 now allows the United States military to use lethal force against American citizens in the interest of national security. There is now a way around the Posse Comitatus Act, which limits military domestic law enforcement. This was established by the Insurrection Act. Many people are concerned about this reauthorization, given the current political climate. The timing of it during election season raises many questions.

Directive 5240.01 Reauthorization: Detailed Review

The Department of Defense has quietly reissued Directive 5240.01, which now allows military cooperation with civilian law enforcement during national security emergencies. This reauthorization has sparked debate because it expands the military’s ability to use lethal force against US citizens under certain conditions. Critics are concerned that such measures will be used during civil unrest, potentially to suppress political demonstrations.

The directive, which now includes provisions for lethal assistance to civilian authorities, differs significantly from the 2016 version, which focused primarily on intelligence. The directive states that lethal force authorization requires Secretary of Defense approval, indicating strict oversight mechanisms. However, the definition of “civil disturbances” remains unclear, raising concerns about its broad application.

Future Implications

This directive authorizes military action when lives are in danger and intelligence sharing on US citizens when legal violations are proven. The National Guard and military involvement in incidents throughout US history, such as Kent State and the Los Angeles riots, highlight the dangers of military intervention in civil affairs.

Lethal assistance is permissible if done in accordance with DoDD 5210.56, the DOD’s Use of Force policy.

The timing of the reauthorization raises questions amidst the current political climate and elections in proximity. Concerns about election integrity and political manipulation linger due to the potential deployment of the military during election-related unrest.

Balancing Civil Liberties and National Security

Supporters argue the directive is necessary for maintaining national security, speculating it may prevent catastrophes comparable to coups or insurrections. However, the potential overreach opposes the foundational balance between maintaining order and protecting citizen rights.

As reported by Zero Hedge, the reauthorization of Directive 5240.01 would permit the U.S. military to use “lethal force” on the civilian population in the event of a “national security” emergency.

While the Department of Defense Directive 5240.01 aims to address national security concerns but highlights the delicate balance between ensuring public safety and preserving individual freedoms, it opens a crucial dialogue on the role of the military in domestic affairs.




  1. The founders knew of this threat from a Tyrannical Government. They wrote the 2nd Amendment as a Safety for Americans to defend themselves and to Thwart Any Tyranny. That Right has Never been Removed, Nor Will it. Any Tyrant can issue as many orders to the Countries Military all they want, but when it comes down to it We are Certain that the Majority of Our Military Will Side WITH THE PEOPLE, Especially when they Realize the Commanders are Merely Pawns of a Tyrant Trying to Take advantage of the People.


  2. Are the democrats getting ready for a Trump loss due to a rigged election, i.e., another January 6th? 😊 If so, they’re wasting their time because this election will be “too big to rig.” However, Trump would have the military at his disposal to keep the democrat rioters in line which would be a good thing.

  3. If the army fires on US civilians, it will start a serious kick back. The army will be attacked in response and politicians enabling it will be in serious danger of disposal. There are too many armed civilians in too many places to control with threat of arms. Washington will go up in flames as will any state office approving such action. Smart militants will not attack the army – they will attack those telling the army to attack. Biden will need the air force and marines to protect his ass. Probably not all military will agree to attack civilians, so there will be civil war within the military. This is an unwarranted very dangerous step!!!!!!!!!!!


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