Barbra Streisand Claims Trump Brought Assassination Attempt on Himself


In a recent public statement, legendary singer and actress Barbra Streisand suggested that former President Donald Trump is to blame for the assassination attempt on his life due to his reputation as a bully. Streisand's comments come in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024.

The assassination attempt involved a 20-year-old assailant, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who fired eight rounds from an AR-15-style rifle, wounding Trump and killing an audience member. Crooks was subsequently shot and killed by the U.S. Secret Service​. Trump sustained a minor injury to his right ear and was quickly taken to a hospital, where he was treated and released in stable condition.

Streisand, a long-time critic of Trump, made her controversial remarks on social media and during public appearances. She argued that Trump's behavior and rhetoric have created a hostile environment, which ultimately led to the violent incident. "When you bully and demean people, you set a dangerous precedent," Streisand stated. "Trump's own actions have contributed to the animosity that surrounds him"​.

Her comments have sparked a significant backlash from Trump supporters and conservative figures, who accuse her of victim-blaming. However, Streisand is not alone in her criticism. Various public figures and political commentators have highlighted Trump's combative style and divisive rhetoric as factors that might incite violence​.

In response to the assassination attempt, Trump has doubled down on his rhetoric, calling the incident a "tragic example of the extreme left's radicalism." He emphasized his commitment to continue his campaign undeterred, vowing to "fight back harder than ever" against what he describes as "political violence" aimed at silencing him and his supporters.

The attack has also prompted a renewed focus on security for political candidates. The Secret Service has faced scrutiny for potential security lapses at the rally, leading to calls for increased protective measures​.

In a broader context, the incident has intensified the already heated political climate as the 2024 presidential election approaches. President Joe Biden and former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have all condemned the attack, underscoring the need for unity and civil discourse in American politics.

Streisand's comments have only added fuel to the fire, reflecting the deep political divisions in the country. As the nation grapples with the implications of the attempted assassination, the conversation around political violence and accountability continues to evolve​.


  1. She is a has been Idiot. Who in their right state of mind would do such a thing? Just goes to show, Demowipes will say anything, do anything, lie, cheat, steal, belittle, Slander, Commit Crimes, and just about any other low life thing you could think of to get, be, and stay in power and control others. Very evil and perverted way to live one’s life. People need to treat everyone as they wish to be treated. The world is so full of hate and distrust. No wonder so many people have passed away the last 3.5+ years. Elites love to enjoy their high dollar lives and as long as they can manipulate and control others they are somewhat satisfied. Sick indeed. Miss Huge Shnoze will no doubt reap Her Just Due Rewards when the time comes. Until then perhaps She should consider being Kinder to Folks.

  2. Streisand, Legend, Clooney, they are all no talent, no character, dishonest hasbeen clowns. Quite frankly, their comments are worthless. Fortunately most people these days don’t even know who they are.

  3. She is just trying to be relevant like many of the irrelevant elites who think their opinion matters. Not to worry she stated she will be leaving the United States if President Trump wins. London will welcome her with open liberal arms. Guaranteed she will come running back to the United States.


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