Federal Budget Deficit Expected to Reach $1.6 Trillion in 2024


The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has projected that the federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2024 will be approximately $1.6 trillion. This figure, although slightly lower than the $1.7 trillion deficit recorded in 2023, remains historically high and is a sign of ongoing fiscal challenges facing the United States​.

One of the primary reasons for the elevated deficit is the significant increase in government spending compared to revenues. In the first quarter of FY 2024, the federal government reported receipts of $1.1 trillion, while outlays reached $1.6 trillion, resulting in a $509 billion deficit for the quarter alone​​. This represents a 21% increase from the same period in FY 2023.

Interest payments on the national debt have been a major contributing factor to the rising deficit. The cost of servicing the debt hit $221 billion in the first quarter, an increase of about $73 billion from the previous year. Additionally, expenditures related to resolving bank failures also added to the outlays​.

The CBO's long-term projections are equally concerning, with deficits expected to grow by 62% over the next decade, reaching nearly $2.6 trillion by fiscal year 2034.

This growth is driven by several factors, including the aging population and rising healthcare costs per beneficiary​​.

In response to these challenges, the Biden administration has proposed measures aimed at reducing the deficit by making the tax system fairer and cutting wasteful spending. Key initiatives include implementing a minimum tax on billion-dollar corporations, increasing the Medicare tax rate for high earners, and closing tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy​ ​.

However, Republicans have criticized the administration for not doing enough to address the deficit. They argue that more drastic measures are needed, such as reducing discretionary spending and reforming entitlement programs. The recent Fiscal Responsibility Act, a bipartisan deal, capped discretionary spending and is expected to reduce the deficit by about $100 billion in 2024​​.

As the fiscal situation continues to evolve, policymakers are under increasing pressure to implement effective solutions to curb the rising deficit and ensure long-term economic stability.


    • I’m sure you have noticed all of the deaths of young and old over the past few years and how the media NEVER suspects Covid “vaccines”. It is always cancer, heart attack brain tumor, etc. all of which can be exacerbated by the jab. Glad I and my family didn’t get it.

  1. President Trump Must be Elected on November 5, 2024. He will turn The Economy Loose and get our Oil industry back the way it was before the Biden/Her Turdness Destruction of our Country. We can pay our Debt Down Significantly during President Trump’s Next Term in office. All of the Woke Crap will be going Bye Bye, our Military and Law Enforcement will go Back to the way it was before the Asswipeage began. Our Oil Reserves Must be Replenished after we get the Price back down. Prices Must be brought Down in order to get people a fighting chance to actually live! We must Never Permit Our Country to be Driven into the Ground by a Bunch of Blithering Idiots Ever Again. The Electorate Must get Educated about exactly What is at Stake In Our Nation When they Step into the Voting Booth. This Stupidity Must be Stamped out and we must All Come together in Common Cause. The Divisive Behavior of the Democrats has Ultra Divided this Country. We have to come together in the Middle somehow in order to Rid Our Country of all of this Crazy Ignorant fighting and destroying everything our Patriots have died for.


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