Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich Calls for Israel’s Expansion to Damascus


In a highly controversial statement, Israel's far-right Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has reiterated his vision for a "Greater Israel" that would see the nation's borders expanded into neighboring countries, including Syria's capital, Damascus. Smotrich’s remarks, made in the context of a new documentary titled In Israel: Ministers of Chaos, have drawn widespread condemnation both within Israel and abroad.

Smotrich's comments are rooted in the ideology of religious Zionism, which advocates for the expansion of Israel across much of the Middle East. During the interview, Smotrich cited Jewish scriptures, claiming that "the future of Jerusalem is to expand to Damascus," and that Israel should extend into parts of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. This view aligns with long-standing ambitions held by some Israeli nationalists for territorial expansion, known as the "Greater Israel" project.

The backlash was swift, with neighboring Jordan strongly condemning the remarks. The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Smotrich’s comments “racist” and “dangerous,” emphasizing the potential destabilizing effect on the region. Jordan’s criticism reflects broader fears among Arab nations that such expansionist rhetoric could provoke regional tensions and conflict.

International law also stands firmly against the expansionist views promoted by Smotrich. The annexation of land through military conquest is prohibited under the United Nations Charter, a point raised by several critics of Smotrich’s statement. His comments are seen by many as undermining efforts for peace and coexistence in a region already deeply affected by years of conflict​.

Smotrich’s extreme positions are not new. He has previously sparked outrage with comments denying the existence of the Palestinian people and advocating for the removal of Arabs from certain territories. As a key figure in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, Smotrich wields significant influence, particularly over the occupied West Bank, where he has pushed for the expansion of Israeli settlements.

This rhetoric comes at a time of heightened tension in Israel and the Palestinian territories. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has already claimed tens of thousands of lives, with Israel conducting a relentless military campaign against Hamas. These extreme statements only further strain an already volatile situation and risk escalating the broader conflict with Lebanon, Syria, and other Arab nations​.

Despite international condemnation, including from Western allies, Smotrich’s comments highlight the increasing influence of far-right elements within Israeli politics. This shift poses challenges not only for Israel’s relationship with its neighbors but also for internal Israeli politics, where divisions between secular and religious Jews are deepening.

The growing power of figures like Smotrich and fellow far-right leader Itamar Ben-Gvir has alarmed many Israelis, who fear that such extreme views will continue to push the country further into isolation​.


  1. Peace and coexistence has been tried for over 50 years, the Muslims are hell bent on wiping Israel off the face of the earth. The only way to have peace and coexistence with them is to kill them first.

  2. Sadly, the expanding collateral damage and methods of killing will more likely cause a coalition of Arabic states to seriously take on Israel from all angels. Right now, Israel has three “states” attacking and defending themselves, and soon it will be at least four (4) more countries and likely Turkey will join the others. There is no good outcome that can come of the IDF’s deadly expansion and destruction. Yes, Israel, defend yourself and carefully remove Islamic leadership behind the Islamic terrorism. When you add ordinary people to the targets and victims, you represent a greater threat to the region.


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