Kamala Harris Reportedly Considering Controversial Keith Ellison for Attorney General


Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, a supporter of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, has reportedly been shortlisted by Vice President Kamala Harris for the position of U.S. Attorney General if she wins the 2024 presidential election. This potential appointment is stirring controversy given Ellison’s controversial past and strong progressive ties.

Ellison’s history with the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan, has raised concerns among both conservatives and Jewish groups. Ellison has distanced himself from Farrakhan in recent years, particularly as he pursued higher office. However, his earlier involvement remains a flashpoint. In the 1990s, Ellison defended Farrakhan against accusations of antisemitism, calling him a “tireless servant” of the Black community.

Ellison, who became Minnesota’s Attorney General in 2018, has garnered attention for his left-wing activism. He notably led the prosecution in the high-profile Derek Chauvin case following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, a role that placed him at the center of the national conversation on policing and race​.

His handling of that case earned him praise from progressives, but his views on police reform and support for movements like ANTIFA have drawn harsh criticism from conservatives​.

The Trump campaign has been quick to slam reports of Ellison being considered for Attorney General, referring to him as a “radical” and criticizing his progressive track record. They argue that his selection would further solidify Harris' administration as being controlled by far-left figures.

This perception has been fueled by Ellison's vocal opposition to policing methods and his efforts to protect LGBTQ rights, often clashing with more traditional perspectives​.

Conservative commentators are especially concerned about Ellison’s past comments and actions regarding Israel. In previous years, Ellison faced backlash for comparing Israel’s policies toward Palestinians to apartheid, and he was criticized for meeting with figures linked to Hamas​.

Ellison’s political ascent has been marked by his unapologetic “progressive” activism, and his son Jeremiah Ellison, a member of the Minneapolis City Council, has been a vocal supporter of ANTIFA. Both father and son have been criticized for allegedly inciting unrest during the George Floyd riots, with Ellison suggesting that civil unrest was a legitimate way for marginalized communities to express their frustration.


  1. Well ya know, it doesn’t matter how many Islamists the Democrapic Party choose to do their Dirty Work for them None of them will Ever get the Fantasized 72 Virgins when they leave this Shitty World. Daaaaaaa……..


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