Moderna Ventures into New mRNA Vaccine Territory Amidst Controversy


In a bold move that has sparked both interest and concern, Moderna is advancing its research and development into mRNA vaccines targeting a range of diseases beyond COVID-19, including Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Varicella-zoster virus (VZV, responsible for chickenpox and shingles), and Norovirus.

This expansion into the infectious disease market, potentially worth $52 billion, signifies a significant shift in the company's focus from its initial foray into mRNA technology with the COVID-19 vaccine.

The company's announcement comes at a time when mRNA technology is under intense scrutiny. Reports have emerged suggesting a link between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and the reactivation of latent viruses such as shingles and herpes. French scientist Hélène Banoun has highlighted how vaccination may disrupt the innate immune system, leading to the reactivation of these dormant viruses. This revelation raises questions about the safety and long-term effects of mRNA vaccines.

Moreover, instances of ancient diseases like leprosy have been reported in several countries post-COVID-19 vaccination. These occurrences add to the growing concerns about the unintended consequences of widespread mRNA vaccination campaigns.

Adding to the controversy, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has warned of a potential "tsunami of death" among the highly vaccinated due to elevated levels of IgG4, which could lead to aggressive forms of cancer known as "turbo cancers". This alarming statement underscores the need for a cautious approach to the deployment of new mRNA vaccines.

Despite these concerns, Moderna is not only focusing on infectious diseases but also exploring vaccines for cancer and autoimmune diseases. This diversification strategy could revolutionize treatment options for millions worldwide, provided the safety issues are thoroughly addressed.

Critics argue that Moderna's venture into vaccines for diseases reportedly linked to their COVID-19 shot might seem opportunistic[^1]. The notion that a company could profit from solving problems potentially exacerbated by its own product has sparked ethical debates within the medical community and among the public.

As Moderna forges ahead with its mRNA vaccine development, the scientific community and regulatory bodies must rigorously evaluate the safety and efficacy of these new vaccines. The lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of vaccine development and deployment.

In conclusion, while the promise of mRNA technology is immense, it is imperative that we proceed with caution, prioritizing the health and safety of the global population above all else. The journey of Moderna's mRNA vaccines from concept to clinic will be closely watched by many, as it has the potential to set new standards in the fight against infectious diseases, cancer, and autoimmune conditions.


  1. If you want to continue to live your only solution is to refuse any medication from any company that was involved in the COVID-19 Hoax. They deliberately lied to the world and intentionally slaughtered and estimated 8 billion humans and still counting globally. Now that they have the blueprint and the tactics learned from COVID can murder as many people as they desire and as we have seen suffer no consequences. Japan is the only country so far that has banned all mRNA drug usage and even severely restricted gain-of-function research.. If a drug must be refrigerated refuse to accept it. Most likely Big Pharma will try to introduce mRNA technology into all other drugs. Dr. Peter McCullough, the inventor of the mRNA gene splicing technology himself has warned the world; it is not ready for use on human’s or animal’s at this time.

  2. We the American people will fight these unamerican evil group, this evil group you are wrong get your stuff packed and move to another country we the American people have spoken

  3. Pharma has way to much power in Washington DC! They are corrupt to the max, and that was proven by the way they pushed the very addictive oxycodone ( if spelt correctly). They cared nothing about the tens of thousands of lives they destroyed, nor the tens of thousands , if not millions of addicts they made. All of the Sackler ( if I got their name correct) family should be on a chain gang. Instead, they are living the high life as they make congressgive give them more of our tax dollars for their garbage drugs!


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