Obama’s “Third Term”: Mike Davis Claims Shadow Presidency Behind Biden Administration


Prominent conservative commentator Mike Davis has sparked controversy by suggesting that the Biden administration is essentially operating as Barack Obama's "third term." Davis argues that Obama’s influence remains pervasive, guiding key policy decisions and strategic directions from behind the scenes.

The notion of Obama’s continued influence is not new among conservatives. Obama himself hinted at such a scenario during a 2020 interview with Stephen Colbert, where he mentioned he would be comfortable running a government through a "stand-in" while guiding from behind the scenes. This sentiment has only intensified as Biden's presidency progresses, with many pointing to the significant number of former Obama-era officials holding key positions in the current administration.

Critics argue that the Biden administration's policies closely mirror those of Obama's presidency, from healthcare and environmental policies to foreign affairs and immigration. This alignment is seen as evidence of Obama’s continued control, pushing a progressive agenda that many conservatives believe is detrimental to traditional American values and economic stability.

Recent reports highlight Obama’s active involvement in Biden’s campaign strategy, especially as concerns grow about Biden’s re-election prospects. Obama has reportedly met with Biden on multiple occasions to discuss campaign tactics and voter outreach, reflecting his deep investment in ensuring a Democratic victory in 2024. This increased involvement is seen by some as an indicator of Biden’s reliance on Obama’s political acumen and network.

Conservatives are particularly critical of this perceived shadow presidency, arguing that it undermines the transparency and accountability of the current administration. They claim that Obama’s influence extends beyond mere advisory roles, effectively steering the administration’s major decisions and public messaging. This dynamic has fueled further speculation and distrust among Republican voters who see this as an overreach of executive power.

Furthermore, the anxiety within the Democratic Party about Biden’s electability has led to Obama taking a more hands-on approach. Reports indicate that Obama is not only advising on campaign strategies but also actively engaging with key demographics and addressing internal campaign issues. This heightened involvement underscores the Democrats' recognition of the significant challenges they face against a potential Trump comeback.

As the 2024 election approaches, the debate over Obama’s influence in the Biden administration will likely intensify. For many conservatives, this scenario represents a continuation of policies they vehemently oppose and a consolidation of power that contradicts democratic principles.

In conclusion, the assertion that Obama is running a de facto third term through the Biden administration remains a contentious topic, reflecting broader concerns about political transparency and executive overreach. The ongoing involvement of Obama in strategic decisions and campaign efforts only adds to the perception of his enduring influence in American politics.


  1. And Trump Will be “In Charge” 01/20/2025. Barry will have to move in with Biden and empty His Bed Pan after that.

  2. So what is the big surprise? biggest surprise I’ve had in four was the theft of the 2020 election, by the Democrats. Conspiracy, no, ask the bulk of the “real” voting population.
    Firmly convinced Obama and his Regime, did their jobs well, as confirmed by #46 himself, during the campaign, while low profiling in his basement bunker. Said he had no need to campaign, as an election plan was in place, that assured his election. No truer words were ever spoken…
    Twelve years after President Trump announced his campaign for the presidency, there has been a concerted effort to demean, disrespect, humiliate, humble, jail or, God forbid, far worse, to destroy Trump. He is still standing, and a beacon to Americans, wanting a return to a Constitutional Republic, from the mere shadow this crippled Nation has been transformed, by Biden/Obama, and the Deep State.
    There is not

    • Everybody who enjoys the freedom this country offers MUST vote for Trump if they want to continue enjoying this freedom. We do not want a Biden/Obama America.

  3. Are they just now figuring this out or were they afraid to say it? I’ve been saying this for years now because it is so obvious. Biden is just Obama’s puppet and is ‘fundamentally changing” this country. We taxpayers are paying Biden, Harris and many others to do so and this must stop!

  4. Most conservative ,true America first patriots ( not party) genuine -I love my country citizens have know all along that this entire administration was & still is the Biden/ Obama show. The decline in the US is directly tied to Obanas election & with the exceptional opportunity to see what is really going on. During the Trump presidency , should Trump not be ejected it’ll be the form of ________/ Obama. Maybe even Obamas/ Obama show. If this is a surprise to you , the debate was probably a surprise too. If you are being open enough to follow The Epich Times, News Max (#4 in American now) Great Podcasts of Charlie Kirk, Tucker, Victor Davis Hanson and others then this won’t be news to you.


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